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EP 17 | Wine Tourism News
EP 17 | Notícias do Enoturismo
Bacalhôa Portugal
Luísa Amorim, Quinta Nova Nª Srª Carmo
EP 16 | Wine Tourism News
EP 16 | Notícias do Enoturismo


APENO – Portuguese Wine Tourism Association was born in February 2020 with the objective of putting the Portuguese Wine Tourism on the map. To achieve this goal, a group of professionals from the most diverse areas (Financial, New Technologies, Legal, Communication and Marketing, Human Resources) decided to get together to support the national wine tourism to give effective answers to the obstacles that prevent the sector from evolving.

APENO created a brand with impact, through which it will work. Being a young, dynamic and differentiating association, we chose to highlight the words ENOTURISMO and PORTUGAL, which take the place of the word association. The symbol of our brand is equally strong. In it we see a glass, an inverted bottle, the Portuguese territories defined by the lines, Portugal welcoming visitors with open arms, and the face of the visitor himself. All in one symbol that has become emblematic to give visibility to Portuguese Wine Tourism. Apeno wants to represent and give expression to all the actors in the Wine Tourism value chain, the wine and tourism sectors as well as other economic sectors and public entities with competences in the development of the wine tourism territory.


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