The region of Bairrada receives the seventh Regional Winetourism Forum
03/03/2023The Portuguese Association of Winetourism (APENO) and Ageas Seguros, in partnership with National Regional Vitivinic Commissions (CVR), continue their walk for the wine tourism, opening the doors to the economic agents of the various Portuguese wine regions to debate the problems. and solutions in a sector that grows from year to year at national level. It is the regional winery forums that have traveled in various parts of the country. After the first five and successful 2022 forums that took place in the Lisbon region, the Tagus region, the Setúbal region, the Alentejo region and the Algarve region, March 2023 hosts the Dão Regional Forum and the region Bairrada. The latter is already on March 9, at the Bairrada Wine Museum in Anadia.
Decentralizing has been the keyword of APENO and AGEAS SEGUROS to do more and better for wine tourism in Portugal. Therefore, the mission, this time, is to open doors to debate cycles, where the focus is to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of national wine tourism, in order to find solutions to grow even more sector from themselves in Franca expansion, but even more to give in Portuguese territory.
As the first national association dedicated exclusively to the sector, APENO, in partnership with Ageas Seguros, thus invites the economic agents of the various national wine regions to discuss wine tourism in the same stage, in sessions open to the general public. The Appeal will travel from land to land to hear the main problems of the various regions and to find, together, new approaches to make the best wine tourism.
“It is with great enthusiasm that we joined once again to an initiative with the appeal. We want to reinforce our positioning in the wine tourism sector, along with these professionals, contributing to a safer and sustainable sector. It is our commitment to be present in the lives of companies in a relevant, close and emotional way, ”says Gustavo Barreto, a member of the Ageas Portugal Group Executive Committee.
Objective: Create solid bases for wine tourism
«APENO – PORTUGUESE WINETURISM ASSOCIATION was born only two years ago but already gathers among its associates the best players of einetourism at national level, and we continue to grow every day. There is a lot of talk about wine tourism, but no one has no definitions or numbers that help understand it, among other issues that have to be debated. And, of course, the Appeal has been focused on resolving these issues and creating solid work bases so that Portugal is considered a region of reference in world -level wine tourism, ”says Maria João de Almeida, the president of APENO.
“Obviously, this also goes through the attention that we want to give each of the national regions, where we will identify and debate the problems existing in wine tourism, try to present solutions and make known the work we have done since we were born. In these sessions, which we do in conjunction with Ageas Seguros, our partner company, and with the CVRs of each region, we will still have a training session related to risk prevention and management as a swivel efficiency, as well as a round table that will bring together economic agents with space for debate. I’m sure the result will be very positive, ”says Maria João de Almeida.
The seventh of these regional forums is thus in the neighborhood of Bairrada, on March 9, at 2:30 pm, at the Bairrada Wine Museum in Anadia.
«It will be a pleasure to receive this Regional Forum in our region. Firstly, for the importance of sharing knowledge that is always generated in these forums. And then to reinforce wine tourism as a complement to the economy of the winemaker himself, ”says Pedro Soares, president of the Bairrada CVR. It is a work session where the winery of the Bairrada region will be discussed, with the following program:
• 14h30 – Opening of doors and reception of guests.
• 15h00 – Presentation of the Portuguese Association of Winetourism (Mission, Advantages and Activities) – Members of the APENO
• 3:45 pm – Risk Prevention and Management as a key to wine tourism – Francisco Erse – Responsible SME & Corporate of the Ageas Portugal Group.
• 4:30 pm – Presentation of the APENO winetourism guide (a project already under development that is intended to be said as the national and international reference wine guide) – Adelino Abrantes – Commercial Consultant and Editorial APENO.
• 17h00 – Debate: Reflections of wine tourism: the needs of the sector – a brief conversation about the main challenges of the region for wine tourism in the region of Bairrada.
• Pedro Soares – President of CVR of Bairrada;
• Tourism Entity of the Center (to be designated);
• Ana Paula Teixeira – Winery Responsible of the Quinta do Encontro;
• António Nogueira – Manager of Casa do Canto.
All of these moments will have room for questions and answers from the guests present.
To participate in these regional forums, you can register through the APENO website: https://enoturismodeportugal.pt/bairrada-9-de-marco/
Very soon the dates of the upcoming forums in the remaining national wine regions will be released, with the aim of creating a country of notourism reference worldwide.